I'm Shanya Verma

Study tips / Productivity / Self care

Helping students and professionals reach their full potential and sky rocket their productivity

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I'm Shanya Verma

Study tips / Productivity / Self care

Helping students and professionals reach their full potential and sky rocket their productivity

Featured Blogs

A Step-by-Step Guide to Catching Up with Your Studies
A Step-by-Step Guide to Catching Up with Your Studies
How to avoid feeling sleepy while studying
How to avoid feeling sleepy while studying
Weekend study schedules
Weekend study schedules

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Checkout Our YouTube

Whether you're a student, a content creator or a working professional, get ready to learn the top tips on how you can grow-- I'm giving them out for FREE. Right here!


Connect with me 1:1

Set up sessions with me if you want personalised tips or discuss your study issues with me and much more!